Why Start Family Therapy in the San Francisco Bay Area?

Diversity in Family Therapy

Ah, Families! Everyone loves talking about families, right?! – Whether you grew up watching The Brady Bunch, Married with Children (cringe), or Modern Family - Families are some of the most important personal and challenging relationships in our lives.  

Families look a lot different from family to family. Sometimes we have biological families, adopted families, and blended families. While sometimes we have families that aren't blood or marriage related at all but simply some of the people that we have chosen to be part of our immediate inner circle and we call these people our chosen families. Sometimes a family includes a pet, or just one parent or a child all the way to multiple parents, grandparents and children. Families come in all shapes and sizes.

Image of a large family on the beach at sunset. Start family therapy bay area today! We can address your crisis with family therapy bay area 94087. Speak with a family therapist in the San Francisco bay area for more support 94539.

Facing Crisis as A Family

But what happens when these families that we're a part of are in crisis? What happens when a family member is living with chronic illness? What happens if they die or are going to die?

If you just sat here and got a little uncomfortable and thought “uh… I don’t know” – Welcome, you’re in the right space!

First, let’s take a step back before getting into serious illness and death.

When we have a crisis in a family, usually there is tension and stress. There are typically different roles that each person in a family unit play and they may change roles or intensify their roles. There’s a lot to unpack here, but you get the idea.

Being part of a family – somewhere to call people our own, where we fit in and are loved unconditionally, is something almost everyone strives for. When we find it (or help shape it), it’s a source of some of our greatest happiness. Unfortunately, families can also bring us some of our greatest pains.

So, what is family therapy?

For our purposes here, family therapy is when the family unit is stuck or facing something very unpleasant. So the unit is looking for support as a whole. Remember talking about a loved one who is living with a chronic illness or dies? That’s an excellent time to see a family therapist in the San Francisco bay area. Looking for family therapy to help repair relationships from addiction? Also, an excellent time to see a family therapist. Whatever it may be, surrounding communication and working through difficult times, and rebuilding relationships, that is truly a time for family therapy to enter and can help alleviate some of the stressors found in the family.

Some Reasons People Start Family Therapy in the San Francisco Bay Area:

Image of three boys standing next to each other. Searching for family therapy in the San Francisco bay area 94566? Our family therapist can help with supportive family therapy. Call today to start family therapy in San Jose, CA 95014.
  • Dealing with a loss and grief

    • Grandparent, Sibling, Parent, Pet, Friend, Job, House

  • Death, Dying & Bereavement

  • Serious medical conditions

    • Any life-changing or life-limiting diagnosis

  • Facing a mental illness, depression, or anxiety

    • Challenges within the family unit navigating a mental illness

  • Excessive substance use or addiction

  • Challenges within the family unit with addiction

  • Separation or Divorce

  • Childhood Anxiety

  • Blending Families

  • Infidelities

  • Disconnection from the family unit

    • Teenager(s), family members that haven’t spoken in years, etc.

  • Childhood Depression

  • Life transitions

  • Childhood Trauma

  • Work / Life Balance

  • Disordered Eating

  • Learning Disabilities

How can family therapy help us? 

Image of 3 girls with curly hair smiling together. Family therapy in Silicon Valley, San Jose, and the bay area is hard. Our family therapist in the San Francisco bay area will make it worth the work. Call today to start supportive family therapy.

First, we need to establish what the family wants. As well as make sure that all members of the family have similar goals for the sessions. It is a huge red flag if one person is coming in, dragging the family members with them. Especially if they only want to talk about their goals for the family but aren’t willing to look at their own roles within the family. Each member of a family should carry their own weight and responsibilities for family therapy to be successful – even though that may be hard at times!

What does the family want to heal from? Almost all family therapy surrounds healing, forgiveness, changed behavior, and rebuilding relationships. So that there can be a safe, rewarding, and enjoyable interaction between members of the family.

So where does the family therapist come in? Well, most of the time the family therapist will act as a guide and a mirror to reflect what has been said. Clarifying what is happening and helping people to process whatever the family is going through. For us, most of the time it’s a loss of a loved one or a diagnosis of a serious medical condition.

Family Therapy For the Grieving Family

A grieving family usually must reorganize roles and responsibilities. The loss of the loved one is usually handled differently by each member and that can also cause some issues. Especially if someone feels that another isn’t “grieving” enough or appropriately.

We tend to become protective and then defensive of our loved ones once they pass. Feeling like someone isn’t honoring them can cause a lot of upset feelings within the family.  

Families typically want to feel that they are essentially on the same page. As a family therapist in the San Francisco bay area, I want to make sure that everyone has a voice and that everyone is heard about what should be on that page.

Image of men holding hands in suits. Looking for a family therapist in San Jose, CA 95014? We also provide family therapy bay area 94087. Get support from our family therapist in the San Francisco bay area 94539. San Jose 95014 | 95120 | CA 94087

For the family with a serious or terminal medical condition

When a family comes to Bay Area Therapy For Wellness facing a serious medical condition, chronic illness, or a terminal medical condition, there is a lot to process. Such as what is going to happen, what the fears are within the family, who can do what (roles), and clarifying expectations. A lot of beautiful work can be done when we are in an anticipatory grief state. Which makes the harder days of caring for an ill loved one easier and the hardest days when they pass brighter. Knowing that there were a lot of important conversations had that wouldn’t have necessarily been had without a family therapist.

An Anxiety Therapist That Specializes in Supportive Family Therapy

Family therapy isn’t for the faint of heart! When we meet with an online therapist in California individually we tend to convey our perspectives of others. However, with a family therapist, everyone gets to share their perspectives too! It’s important to set boundaries at the onset of family therapy and learn additional healthy ways to communicate so that messages of hurt can be received so repairs can be made.

Are You Part of A Family Unit That Needs Family Therapy in the San Francisco Bay Area?

Bay Area Therapy For Wellness provides supportive family therapy in the San Francisco Bay Area. As a family therapist, I know how hard it can be for the whole family to get on the same page. Especially as you are facing a loss, grief, or conflict. I can help facilitate stronger communication which will grow your family's bond. Take starting family therapy one step at a time:

  1. Reach out to Bay Area Therapy for Wellness for a free consultation.

  2. Schedule your first therapy session with a family therapist.

  3. Start connecting as a family unit in family therapy.

Other Types of Therapy We Offer in California

Even if you are faced with a family journey, you also have an individual journey that you are walking. Bay Area Therapy For Wellness may be able to help with that too! We also see individuals for therapy for chronic illness, loss and grief counseling, caregiver support, anxiety treatment, family therapy, and depression help. All of our therapy services are offered as online therapy to the residents of California. Reach out for our complimentary consultation!


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